The SGA logo on a black background.


Organization Funding

The SGA equally funds student organizations that have fully registered. Organizations receive two “pools” of funding to pull aside from their $2,000 annual budget.

  • Supplemental Funding: Registered Student Organizations can request additional supplemental funding for specific costs or events along with the financial policies. RSOs can request up to $7,000 a semester for additional funding.
  • Publicity Finding: The SGA will pay for $1,000 of publicity items for each organization.

Obtain Financial Access for Organization After Registration

  1. After the registration of the organization as an RSO the next place to continue is getting financials for the organization.
  2. All RSOs must have their president and treasurer be financially trained by the treasurer of the SGA.
  3. After attending a financial presentation session the president and treasurer must take the financial quiz.
  4. After you pass the necessary quizzes for finances, you will receive an email to sign a signature card that will have both the president’s and treasurer’s signatures.
  5. After which, you will have access to your funds.

Financial Policies

The Financial Procedures are a “must” read for organizations so they understand what is expected of them. All questions about Financial Policies should be directed to the Executive Treasurer.


All of our financial policies are in our SGA Statutes, which are linked here. More specifically, Article 6 defines our financial related policies. As an RSO, it is important to be familiar with these policies to ensure you are always knowledgeable of the policies of RSOs. Statute changes will be occuring in Spring 2023 to these policies based on feedback given by our RSOs.


Financial Paperwork