Financial Agreement

All Montclair State University (MSU) students are required to read and electronically sign the Montclair State University Financial Responsibility Statement prior to registration for each semester, session or term. (Returning students will be prompted to read and acknowledge this statement when entering the add/drop course registration module in Self-Service Banner.) If the Agreement is declined, registration and further access to the payment gateway will be prohibited. At the time of enrollment, each student understands when they register for any class or classes at Montclair State University or receive any service from Montclair State University, they accept full responsibility for remitting payment by the posted deadline date.

They further understand and agree that any enrollment and acceptance of terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation) in which Montclair State University is providing them educational services, deferring some or all of the payment obligation for those services, and they promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date. These costs include but is not limited to tuition, mandatory student fees, room and board, health insurance, residence hall, fines, late fees, and other special fees assessed to a student’s account.

COVID-19.  The novel coronavirus or anything that evolves from it (COVID-19) is a life-threatening disease declared by the World Health Organization to be a global pandemic. COVID-19’s contagious nature means that contact with others, or contact with surfaces that have been exposed to the virus, can lead to infection. To prevent infection and subject to limited exceptions, the University is requiring all employees, students and visitors to wear face coverings whenever inside a building or whenever outside a building when 6 feet from another person cannot be maintained.  The new social distance obligations in response to COVID-19 will require the University to reduce capacity in classrooms and may require some or all students to receive instruction remotely. In addition, the University may be required to reduce or suspend academic and non-academic services and activities, relocate instruction to alternative space or deliver instruction remotely, and fully or partially close some or all facilities.  Tuition, fees, housing charges and meal plan charges will not be reduced, refunded or credited on a full or pro-rated basis if Montclair State is required to make any changes due to COVID-19.  Information on the University’s website that may be to the contrary shall not create an enforceable contract against the University.

The document states students are responsible for dropping/withdrawing from courses they do not plan to attend. Students are told if they drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which they register, they will be responsible for paying all or a portion of the charges in accordance with the published refund schedule, which specifies 100 percent adjustment is only available for courses dropped prior to the end of Add/Drop period.  Further failure to attend class or review a bill does not absolve students of their financial responsibility as described above.  Registration is only complete upon full funding of enrolled courses.

Financial aid awards are contingent upon continued enrollment and attendance in each class upon which financial aid eligibility was calculated. Dropping any class before completion, may cause financial aid eligibility to decrease, and some or all of the financial aid awarded may be cancelled. If some or all of financial aid is cancelled because of dropping, withdrawing or failing to attend class, the student will repay all cancelled aid that was disbursed to the account and resulted in a credit balance that was refunded.

Montclair State University uses the official MSU e-mail as an authorized method of communication with students. All students are responsible for activating this account when accepted at MSU as a student.  Failure to activate the official email does not relieve students of any financial responsibilities to the University.   Therefore, students are responsible for reading the e-mails they receive from MSU in a timely basis, even when classes are not in session.

This mission statement and attached document outlines the terms and conditions of the financial responsibilities and obligations associated with attending Montclair State University in full.