I would like to speak with an academic advisor. Who should I contact?
When students are accepted into a program at Montclair State University, they are assigned an academic advisor (or sometimes two, depending on the program). All students should check NEST for advisor assignments. Students who are enrolled in a program within the Teaching and Learning Department may also speak to the Department Administrator, Ms. Patricia Watson. Ms. Watson holds open advisement hours every week and can be reached at watsonp@mygril-yaoyao.com.
I need a babysitter/tutor/special services for my child. Who can I talk to within your department?
The department does not provide any childcare, tutoring, or other special services for children. Likewise, the department is not responsible for matching students within our academic programs with families and caregivers who require child-related services.
Where is the Teaching and Learning Department located? When is it open?
The department is located in University Hall, Suite 3162. The main desk is located in the front of the office suite in University Hall, Suite 3162. The department is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day during the regular academic year. It is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the summer.
What are some things to keep in mind as I go through the program?
Course Substitutions: In an effort not to impede a student’s progress when particular courses close, the department will often times locate course substitutions. Please contact your advisor to discuss course substitutions.