Orientation FAQs

How can I RSVP for my Orientation session?

An email with instructions from the Orientation Staff will be sent to your Montclair State University email address. You will be required to log into your NEST Account to access your Orientation Portal.

After successfully logging into your Orientation Portal account, a task list will appear with instructions to verify your personal information before being assigned your mandatory Orientation session.

How do I know which Orientation I need to attend?

You Will Be Assigned An Orientation Date Based On

  • Whether you are a First-Time Freshman or a Transfer student.
  • Whether you are a Resident or Commuter student.

If you run into trouble with the Orientation Portal, please contact Orientation Programs at orientation@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-4162.

I am having trouble accessing the Orientation Portal

If you are receiving error messages please first try restarting your browser or opening a new window. If you continue to experience issues please email orientation@mygril-yaoyao.com with the following information:

  1. Student Name
  2. Student Campus-Wide ID
  3. The device you are using to sign in (phone, laptop, etc.)
  4. Which browser you are using to sign in
  5. The system error message you are receiving (screenshots help!)

Our team will begin to troubleshoot the issue and get back to you shortly to help you get registered for your orientation sessions.

When is Orientation?
  • Orientation takes place between August 21 – 30.
Is Orientation Mandatory?

Orientation is mandatory if you meet the following criteria: 

  • You are an undergraduate student.*
    • Graduate students do not have this requirement. If you are a graduate student, please refer to the Graduate School New Student Checklist.
    • *Exceptions: Adult learner students (ages 25 and up), exchange program students and readmitted students are not required to complete Orientation.
  • You are a student attending classes on-campus.
What Should I Do if the Major Listed on My Orientation Reservation Does Not Match My Intended Major for Fall 2024?

If you are planning on changing majors prior to attending your Orientation session, fill out the Undergraduate Admissions Major Change Request Form.

  • Once you have completed the Major Change Request Form, please allow up to 72 hours for these changes to reflect in your Orientation Portal.

Non-degree-seeking students must also contact Undergraduate Admissions if they wish to become degree-seeking students.

Contact Undergraduate Admissions by email msuadm@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-4444.

In order to see the correct dates available for your specific major, contact Orientation Programs at orientation@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-4162.

What Should I Do if I Plan to Live On-Campus for Fall 2024, but I Am Listed as a Commuting Student on My Orientation Reservation?

Students are listed as a “Commuter” unless they have completed a Housing Application and paid their Housing Application Fee.

Pay the $300.00 Housing Application Fee online through NEST or in person at the Office of Student Accounts. Learn More About Payment Information.

Contact Residence Life by email at reslife@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-5188.

In order to see the correct dates available for residential students, contact Orientation Programs at orientation@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-4162.

Can My Family Members Attend Orientation?

Your family members are a welcome addition to the Red Hawk community! While New Student Orientation Day is designed for students only, family members are encouraged to participate in the following Family Orientation activities.

  • In-Person Family Orientation: A one-day, Orientation Program designed for families and supporters of our newest Red Hawks! In-Person Family Orientation will be held the same day and time as New Student Orientation Day. Space is limited. 
    • Please note: During the first half of the Orientation Program, families will be seated with their student for speakers and sessions. During the second half of the program, families will be brought to a separate auditorium for the Family Orientation, while students meet with their academic advisors. Students and family members will reunite at the information fair at the conclusion of the program.
Learn More About Family Orientation
How Do I Register a Family Member for Family Orientation?

Log in to NEST and access your Orientation Portal.

Complete the Family Information item on your Task List.

Starting July 8, 2024, you will be able to add the family member you listed to your Orientation reservation.

Please note: The Family Orientation fee is $35.00 per guest. Students are eligible to register one guest for Family Orientation. Space is limited.


Questions? Contact the Orientation Programs at orientation@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 973-655-4162.